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Consuming this tasty little Patagonian berry favors the body's resistance to disease, regulating blood circulation and helping healing. In addition, its flavor, color and aroma make it an excellent culinary ingredient for sweet or savory preparations.

Murta, murtilla, or scientifically called Ugni molinaeTurcz.  is a species of aromatic Myrthaceae that grows on the Chilean Pacific coast and in the pre-Andean mountains of southern Chile. This wild perennial shrub is widely used in folk medicine by indigenous peoples, including the Mapuche, Puelche and Pehuenche cultures, for the treatment of various ailments, such as diarrhea, ulcers, fever, inflammations and migraines. 


Scientific interest in this native shrub has recently emerged, and since then, the chemical composition of this plant, both fruit and leaf, and potential new applications of its compounds ( Hauser, Peñaloza, Rodriguez, Guarda, & Galotto) has been studied. , 2014; Jofré et al., 2016; Junqueira-Gonçalves et al., 2015; Peña-Cerda et al., 2017; Rubilar et al., 2011; Suwalsky et al., 2007 ) 

The new applications of dried fruit and leaves, natural or as an extract, in  functional foods  , nutraceuticals  and cosmetics is growing thanks to their antimicrobial, antioxidant and anti-tyrosinase capabilities.



Consuming this tasty little Patagonian berry favors the body's resistance to disease, regulating blood circulation and helping healing. In addition, its flavor, color and aroma make it an excellent culinary ingredient for sweet or savory preparations.

Murta, murtilla, or scientifically called Ugni molinaeTurcz.  is a species of aromatic Myrthaceae that grows on the Chilean Pacific coast and in the pre-Andean mountains of southern Chile. This wild perennial shrub is widely used in folk medicine by indigenous peoples, including the Mapuche, Puelche and Pehuenche cultures, for the treatment of various ailments, such as diarrhea, ulcers, fever, inflammations and migraines. 


Scientific interest in this native shrub has recently emerged, and since then, the chemical composition of this plant, both fruit and leaf, and potential new applications of its compounds ( Hauser, Peñaloza, Rodriguez, Guarda, & Galotto) has been studied. , 2014; Jofré et al., 2016; Junqueira-Gonçalves et al., 2015; Peña-Cerda et al., 2017; Rubilar et al., 2011; Suwalsky et al., 2007 ) 

The new applications of dried fruit and leaves, natural or as an extract, in  functional foods  , nutraceuticals  and cosmetics is growing thanks to their antimicrobial, antioxidant and anti-tyrosinase capabilities.


Normalmente se ha utilizado la rosa mosqueta en mermeladas pero para optimizar su valor saludable no se recomienda porque el tiempo de cocción necesario para realizar una mermelada.  


Dedibo al hecho que el proceso de deshidratación a veces daña el nivel de vitamina C y antioxidantes,

Isla Natura solo usa Liofilizacion (secado en frio) para secar el fruto.  


Se sugiere el consumo de entre 2.5 a 5 gramos por dia.  Se puede usar el polvo como ingrediente a su batido de fruta, agregar a un yogurt o incluso repostaria 

Compra y Disfruta

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Desayuno de Chia

y Mosqueta

En una una taza de leche de tu preferencia hidrata dos cucharadas de chia, cubre y deja hidratar por una hora

Añade miel o el endulzante que te guste y una cucharadita de Polvo de Rosa Mosqueta  y listo!!

Disfruta, #tehacebien

receta Mosqueta late.jpg

Late de Mosqueta y Miel

Para una persona

Una cucharada grande de Miel Mosqueta , 1 taza de leche de tu preferencia, un poquito de especias, mucho amor

Todo (excepto el amor) en una juguera


Listo, disfruta #tehacebien


Contorno de Ojos 

Matcha y Mosqueta

En un bowl mezcla una cucharada de miel Mosqueta, una pizca de Matcha y 1 cucharadita de aceite de coco

Mezcla bien y cololalo en le refri por una edia hora.

Antes de irte a dormirColocalo en los contornos de ojos con mucho cuidado

Dejalo penetrar por unos 15 minutos y retira con un pano mojado. 

Dirfruta, #tehacebien!!

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